Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm officially once again employed.

God, you are so faithful.

I'm going to be taking care of and
playing with an autistic girl for about
25 hrs. a week. Also have a fair amount
of piano lessons, so I think I should
survive alright. !!!!! :-)

In other news, I am fumbling around
and stumbling in the dark on certain
issues. Clarity evades me presently


God is still Sovereign, still loving, still

Pastor Bill reminded us in church today
of this:

"What can man do to me? Nothing, that
my wise, loving and sovereign Lord does
not give him the authority to do. Therefore,
don't be afraid of what man can do."

Any suffering I go through is not ultimately
at the hands of the male population or my
own stupidity, it is at the hands of my
Father who loves and cares for me, and just
wants to see me grow into a vessel that can
better show Him to the world.

Dear male population,

Why do you confuse me so? Why do I confuse
you so? Do you think one of you could want
to work through anything and everything with
me, no matter the cost? And could that same
somebody please strive to live to fulfill the
desires of the spirit and not the flesh, like it's
a daily battle that must be fought by God's
strength, but also intentionally?

Am I just wacky, misguided, judgemental,
hopelessly insecure about wanting to feel loved?
I want to work on these and other flaws. I really do.

one from the female group

OK world, that's all I've got for tonight. There's
all my honesty and then some.

Ah, what would my life be without a little turmoil?
A little boring, a little nice.

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