Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chased a funny girl around at the pool.
Taught some funny kids some piano.
Ate some Chinese take-out. mmm.

Still working on being more conscious
about my prayer and time with God.
I need to realize how real God is and
involve him in my day to day and have
the priviledge of watching Him work.

As mom reminded me last night, prayer
is so much a beautiful thing, truly. It
is a mind-boggling priviledge that needs
to be taken advantage of much more!

I drank an entire can of vanilla coke tonight!
(The caffiene makes me very excited and
nervous and jumpy....!!!!)

Think I'm gonna go bounce around like a
caffinated bunny. Running, jumping,
bounding through the summer evening
air! Or just jogging. Yeah, that would be
more normal-person esque.

Yesterday on the lovely rural Kansas road
that I drive to my girl's house, I started
writing a song that I really like! Today
I put some chords to it. It's fun to play.
It's about microphones and love and
feeling more like yourself. Make sense?
Um, maybe just kind of?

thanks, you're a pal.

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