Monday, June 12, 2006

Is fluidity a word? It should be.

Fluidity is my new thing.

Picture a flowing stream of water,
a river perhaps. The water is like
God's plan for our lives. It moves
around rocks, around curves, but
it is not thwarted by these things.

God's plan for my life is fluid. Just
as my thought patterns are fluid
and can change and morf around
different concepts and situations,
so is God's plan for my life fluid.

I know this will sound weird, (I
already told Renee about this),
but that last sentence actually
came to me as I was coming out
of a Sunday nap dream. Someone
was saying that sentence to me
and I had a strong sense that it
was very important for me to
remember it. That's not the exact
sentence, but it's the best I can do.

But now I'm super tired and I'm going
to bed. By the way, Monday's are long,
and kids are exhausting and wonderful,
and Bible study is nice and so is piano.

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