Thursday, June 08, 2006

Life is a wild ride, even in Kansas!

I have been working with an autistic girl
for just two days now, and I love her
already. There is just no way to explain
what it's like trying to get through to
her, loving her, reaching out to her
through humming and singing, and
seeing her struggle through her times
of being so unable to process the stimuli
around her that she just starts kicking
and hitting herself, anyone around her,
and crying/screaming.

Being an ED Para has prepared me for this
very well, to the point where even though
it is draining, I love, really love what I'm
doing. What an incredible job.

I now have about 11 students signed up,
so that is going well too.

How are you? June is lovely, don't you agree?
Love the warm evenings.

Also, I love working through things, really
working through things, and finding that
God's word is such a lamp, and God's love
is such light.

I am in like, big time. Still, I wouldn't say
it is stable. I dunno...this guy has layers.
Last night he caused me to become
surprisingly upset, but strangely, I ended
up likeing him more for it. He made me
mad, like I hardly ever get mad, and it
made something inside of me say,
"Woah, there is some kind of fire here
worth tapping into."

He made me mad because he was trying
to protect me from him, thinking I won't
really want to deal with him and his
emotional fire ways, but I think he is
wrong. I think it is good that he gets
worked up over things, even if he is
tempted to act out in ways that are not
wise sometimes. God can work that out
in him, and I believe that is his desire.

We'll see, we'll see. No promises yet, ok?

1 comment:

Lisa Bender said...

I appreciate that Michial.
(and me too)