Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm officially out of a job.

It was a good last week with the
kids. I have lots of memories I
will take out later. Seriously, kids
are awesome. Some of them may
even express appreciation! Wow,
what a blessing.

I feel goofy about blogging. My life
is very three-dimensional lately, and
isn't lending well to this typing words
on a screen thing. It so so so so so
so so so cannot say all that I would
like to say. I can't use hand gestures,
and that's half my vocabulary sometimes!!

(insert large hand gestures, Don Enns style)
(My dad sometimes busts out the hand gestures.)

I will hopefully have some random waitressing
job pretty soon. If not....temp agency here I

I have been hanging out excessively with one
of those male types. Tonight we played Tennis.
Turns out I am happier than twelve larks.
Man, it's crazy to be so happy.
Wonder what will become of this new phase.
I'm very excited to see.

I like teaching piano lessons and cooking and
singing and hearing other people sing and
warm summer nights and Over the Rhine and
Nickel Creek, and changes that come just when
you hardly expected they would.

I like dreaming that deep down, the song beneath
the song is strong and beautiful.

Thank you dear God for this Saturday in May, and
for everything that you are. Wish I could know more
about you. Help me to keep growing in knowing you.

Bye and good night.


Lisa Bender said...

neat. will do. :-) hi Mark!

Kristi said...

You do know, Lisa, that Greg Reimer is my brother? And his website is very entertaining.

Kristi said...

Also, you need to check out my latest post on my blog and my brother Greg's comment. I had no idea I was quoting Mark!

Lisa Bender said...

That is funny Kristi. :-) What a funny circle of blogs and siblings.

Glad you liked the songs, Mark.