Sunday, July 30, 2006

Know any good cures for one of those
vaguely discontented days?

Read the Bible
Call Renee
Cook something
Drink some tea
Call and leave message on
a boy's phone who I don't
know exactly what he thinks
of me, but I'm ok with that
Listen to "Over the Rhine,"
especially the song "Professional

Think I'll go try some of those beginning
ones, as I've already tried the latter.

"Broken down, we're all so broken down
Bandages on our wings
I know I don't have to tell you
Only broken hearts can sing"

Thanks, I feel better just to get some of that
melancholy out onto this screen. There's no
good reason for it, but that's no surprise.

I've started a book that caught my eye in the
Library because a friend of mine once made
me a mix CD with this book's title as it's title.

The book is about four fascinating people:
Dorothy Day, Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy
and Thomas Merton, who were all Catholic writers
of the past century.

Anyone know the book? I know Kristi already does.
I'm sure someone else (Michial) does too.

Sometimes I randomly miss people from TFC.
A couple days ago it was Jon Oesch and today it
was Jenny Morden and also her dad.

Two more weeks with my girl. Two more weeks
of my year off from school. In three years I will
hopefully be able to practice Music Therapy.

And maybe I'll be very proficient with this home
recording studio thing. I'm coming along, just
slowly. It's really fun when I actually get around
to it.

Sometimes I really need to sing.

Goodnight. You are so so special, did you know that?

God, I feel I failed to love tonight. Sometimes I just feel
very useless in certain social settings. I just want a
small group of people (yes, Abby, you know me), or to
just be alone rather than be in a big, impersonal group
that is still somehow trying to be personal, but it's not.


Lisa Bender said...

yep, yep. :-)

Anonymous said...

hello lisa!