Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why was I laughing out loud while fueling my
car today and then later almost crying by the
side of the road? What a great question.

Well, I had a long day with the kiddo (the
pool was ok, but the day ended with her
getting out of her seat and pulling my hair
in the car and then hitting me in the face
just as her dad was walking over to pick
her up. The one consolation is that I
think it was a desperate attempt to not
have to go home - who knows why - in
favor of having yet another time out...
I dunno, but that's my hunch. It was

So this guy walks up to me while I'm at
the Kwik Shop to say this to me:

guy: "Did you know there's something
hanging off the end of your car?"

me: "Yeah, I know. Thanks."

guy: "It looks like a tail."

Now, I don't know exactly why, maybe
it was a release of all of the tension of
the day, but this last comment, which
is actually quite true, just made me
laugh out loud for several minutes
after he walked away. It's so true!
My car has a tail. I love it.
I really should figure out how to
pull that thing off. Oh, well.

Oh, and the almost crying thing is
becuase turns out after I finish
fueling, my car decides to not let
me shift out of park AT ALL.
Something's busted. AAA, towing,
the whole experience, AND THEN...

when I was walking home from the
mechanic (just up the road from my
apt.), there was this ADORABLE little
birdie just hopping along beside me
and then as it cheerily hopped ever
so innocently onto the street.....

SMASH! A car bulldozes right over
it, smooshing it into the dirty
pavement. I wanted to scream.

What a day, what a day, what a
day, WHAT A DAY!

But now, at the end of it, I know God
can use all things for good. It is good
to have friends to tell such horrendous
things to and then pray with.

How was your day?


renee said...

yikes, enns.

Unknown said...

i love you.