Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm cooking A LOT
and loving it.

Seven Grain Porridge (Nourishing

Rye Bread (Laurel's Kitchen - though
I think I prefer the Sourdough and
Natural Yeast kind I have been making
from Nourishing Traditions. More flavor)

Peanut Butter Balls (Laurel's Kitchen plus
some improving of my own)

Bouillabaise (fish, shrimp, scallops, etc.
from a Soup cookbook. This was a
complicated soup, but worth it. Made
with homemade fish stock. I know, I'm

Pork and Potatoe Curry (Indian Cooking,
I substituted for Lamb)

Spiced Kidney Beans with Ginger and Yoghurt
(Indian Cooking - a book from Renee by the way!)

I dunno, I just like food.

Had an incredible experience today up on the
hill that overlooks Clinton Lake. First of all, let
me set the stage. It was cloudy, 79 degrees,
perfectly peaceful, with a painfully tender breeze
that was so fragile it could kill you to try and
conquer it.

I was feeling reflective and aware that God has
been teaching me more of what it means to be
content in whatever circumstance (much of this
through awesome discussion at girls Bible study
and thoughts brought on by question of Michial's
when we had dinner the other night). So then
I look over to my right and am startled to notice
that there is a kind of dense white fog keeping me
from even being able to see the far side of the lake.

Then I notice that the "fog" is slowly creeping towards

Then I realize that the "fog" is in fact a huge downpour
of rain headed straight for me and my exposed journal.

Quickly, I pack up my stuff, run to the edge of the hill to
get a closer look at the amazing sight, and then giggle
with excitement, and finally make my flight down the
hill, which quickly turns into an adventure in the rain.
I felt like I was in some Jane Austen book (haven't
actually read any, but you know, I've seen the movies..)
and some guy was going to ride in on a horse to rescue
me before I died of cold. But it's ok, I'm sure he was
busy doing something more important. It really wasn't
that cold anyway. It was plain fun and crazy.

Then I dripped water on the Hy-Vee floor so I could
purchase some corn, almonds, peanut butter, etc.

Just so you know, there is a level of information about
my life that is slightly below this surface that I will
share possibly later. There is a new song, and there
are new thoughts and feelings etc.

In closing: I love conversations, friends, and you.
There is nobody like you.

1 comment:

renee said...

love it, totally love it. you are a fantastic human being, lisa lavonne. also: i'm glad you're having fun with the indian cookbook. i only wish i was there to taste it! i'm jealous also that you're making bread. i have no air conditioning. turing the oven on today would be ridiculous.