Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've been away so long, but now all I can do is blog, blog, blog.

I purchased Jon Foreman's "Fall" EP, plus one of the songs from
"Spring" (Revenge).

How does Jon Foreman do it? I thought he had lost the ability to
see into my soul and write songs. It hasn't happened since high
school and early college. I thought he lost the ability for a while.
Seemed like he was just writing well produced mediocrity. I liked
"Shadow Proves the Sunshine" alright, but he was losing me.

Then I discovered these songs. I approve of the solo venture, Jon.

These songs are raw. Not Bill Mallonee raw, but that is a pretty hard
thing to attain, and not even always desirable, let's be honest (Bill
knows I love him...well, not really, but if I knew him, he would know
it. I am often far too raw myself). Foreman is a bit more of a well-crafted songwriter, but the songs feel real again. There are stories of struggle.
This is the kind of art I can relate to. I really recommend it, especially
if you struggle towards the light that is growing in your heart, but not
always steadily and easily.

Here's a quote from "The Cure for Pain":

"I'm not sure why it always goes downhill
Why broken cisterns never could stay filled
I've spent ten years singing gravity away
But the water keeps on falling from the sky"

That's just it, isn't it? Broken cisterns. That's the problem.
Oh, Lord, heal our brokenness. Only then can we move forward without
always equally moving backwards.

Here's a snippet of "The Moon is a Magnet":

"What are we
If we're not in love?
What are we
If we're not in love?
These are the cages
A kiss is contagious
It will betray us all
A kiss will betray us all

Somebody told me
That everyone's phony
'Til somebody's lonely
I hope that you're lonely
I hope that you're only
Waiting to phone me

What are we
If we're not alone?
What are we
If we're not alone?
These are the cages
A kiss is contagious
It will betray us all
A kiss will betray us all"

I love the line, "Somebody told me that everyone's phony
'til somebody's lonely." That is such a complicated
thought, but there is truth there. Loneliness is a tricky
motivator, but a powerful one. Maybe those of us with the
greatest needs are the least phony. I am a continually lonely
one. But... if that were true, why would I keep running away?
Could it be that I'm looking for something so blindingly beautiful
that I just can't stop searching because I can't risk... missing it?
But then, will I endlessly search? What am I really searching for?

A love that lasts. A love that can be bruised, broken and busted,
but still persists. I'm looking for love without condition, love
without reservation, love without a record of wrongs.

But can I even give that? Maybe I'm running from what I know I am
not - someone worthy of the kind of that love I refuse to live without.

I am a broken cistern.

But look, I know that I am. This is where it all starts, right? Now,
someone hand me some mortar, or whatever will mend me. God, it comes
from you.

I step forward, with no idea where my foot will land, but with faith
that wherever it is, it will be good because I trust that you are
guiding me, and believe that you will not let me fall. Thank you,

Grow your love in my heart. Let me labor in your vineyard. Let me be
like the son who, even if he said he would not at first, does go and
work in your fields as you requested him to. I am determined to love
you, to serve you, to seek you, to find you, to believe you, to submit
to you. Forgive me for failing you.

"Equally Skilled," and "My Love Goes Free" are gems as well.
And "Southbound Train".

1 comment:

Mr. Fitzsimons said...

Wow, I'm so glad to hear that someone else connects as deeply to Jon's music. I bought the summer ep and it really helps me to remember truth about God. As a believer I can't remember the last time I heard Christian music that spoke to me as deeply as his work does. Great writing, it seems like a prayer. Keep searching!