Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hello. I'm back from Georgia, where at least some
people know more than two things about me.

I'm back in Kansas where a handful of people, most
of whom work at Wal-Mart, know that I am Lisa, and
possibly one other random fact about me. But that's
ok. I'm just a little tired tonight.

Lord, breathe meaning into my life. I know you are
with me, but it is hard to focus my mind some days.
Help me to focus my mind on you, on the the things
above, even while at work.

Jill McAfee challenged me with something while in
Georgia. It is something she referred to as "voracious
reading" of the Word. It is a concept in which you
approach reading the Bible like you would approach
reading a novel - straight through - and then over
and over again through the course of many years.
Just reading the Word of God and's a
simple, essential, beautiful thing.

Tonight I am tired and could use some encouragement.
I'm just being honest here. I'm doing alright, though.

A thought: Life is so confusing, not because it really
is right now, but because it makes sense only when
I look at it backwards. It's like a sentence in a mirror.
You try to read it, but you don't understand it fully
until you get to the end and then put the pieces

I'm at a really odd part of that sentence. Post-
college, pre-grad. school and who knows what else.
I just need someone who knows me to look me in the
eye and say, "It's ok, Lisa. You're on the right track,
and this grunt work is going to pay off later. And by
the way, I'm proud of you and I know you're more than
a Wal-Mart cashier who once lived in Nebraska and
went to Bible college in Georgia. You are Lisa."

OK, thanks for the pep-talk, self. But it's not just a
self pep-talk. It is the combined voices of all the
people in my life who love and care about me. So
thank you, blog reader, for being someone positive
in my life.

Lord, I need you so much.

One last thing. "Cinderella Man" is a GREAT movie.
I recommend it. Doesn't beat "Life is Beautiful" as
my favorite, but it was still excellent.

To all the dreamers, the loving ones, the encouragers,
aka, all my friends who read this, here is a great verse:

"My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of
child-birth until Christ is formed in you...."
--Galatians 4:19a

What a passion!

May Christ be formed in you, and formed in me. Amen
and goodnight.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I heart you Lisa!