Thursday, August 17, 2006

Is Abby back from Mexico yet?

Renee, I love your face.
You have the ability to encourage me
so much because when I talk to you I
really feel accepted and like I'm free to
just say what I really want to say, and I
know you're doing the same. I love you.

Michial, I had a few "I miss Michial" moments
today. I don't even know what triggered them.

I'm back in school! I think I'm going to love
being a student again. I already love my
classes, teachers, riding the bus...everything!
And in three years I will be able to be a music
therapist. That sounds perfect, perfect, wonderful!

Today was an up day.

God is absolutely amazing, and I was really encouraged
by "Hannah's Song" in 1 Samuel this morning.

Praying with Renee on the phone last night was such
a blessing. That is one thing that the guy who just
messed me over left me with. He would initiate that
a lot, and I think that is great. It is so necessary to
remember to include God in every important decision,
every day, and every relationship, and to turn to him
for all strength and PEACE.

The peace is returning.

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