Monday, April 12, 2010

I had to re-post my last entry so I could get rid of
some pesky spam comments. I think I've got that
taken care of now.

Just a quick update to say life is good!! It's amazing
when you realize just how blessed you are, especially
considering the fact that "in this world, you will have
trouble." I know it is not something to take for
granted or to expect, or to grasp, but something to
gladly accept, using every resource and blessing as an
offering back to God.

Jim and I are back together. We needed to take some time
apart to re-evaluate things, so we took it. I honestly
didn't know how things were going to go. At some points,
it looked completely like it was over. I guess it's all
for the best though now, because God gets all the credit
for bringing us back together and, amazingly, making all
things new. That verse about new creation means more to
me than ever.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation; the old has gone the new has come!

Praise God for his new mercies, great love and faithfulness.

Jim, I love you.

Had a really fun gig at "Signs of Life" last Friday. Jim
and Ikuyasu played guest spots on piano and shamisen. It
was a great time, and Naomi, my dear, dear girl, came up
from Wichita! I was so floored and felt so honored that
she would do that, considering her current health issues.
She is out of the hospital, but still living within 3
miles, so she is definitely in the recovery phase, big
time. I'm so glad her cousin moved from Seattle to live
across the hall from her and help her out. That is a
good cousin! It was great to meet him and to see her
smiling face. What a trooper. I played "Tear Down the
Telephone Poles" on special request for her. : )

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