Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I feel like updating, but I don't feel like talking about
myself. Hmmm... I guess I'll just warm up to it.

I like my friend Renee. We got to hang out a little over the
break. She is a very exuberant person. Always has been,
always will be.

I like my friend Abby. We had a long conversation a week
or so ago, and though she is facing some challenges, she
continues on in hope. I need to remember to keep praying.
I believe there is a great job with health benefits out there
waiting for her. God is good and will always help us when
we humble ourselves and pray.

I like my mom. We have had some rough conversations as
well as good times over the break and even a few days ago.
Same goes for my dad. I like him too. I'm afraid I am causing
them some grief over some thoughts in my head sparked by
my boyfriend and the pursuit of understanding Catholicism
more thoroughly.

Speaking of Catholicism, I had my first ever meeting with a
Priest last weekend when I went to Wichita to visit John. We
met with Father Tatro and let me tell you, it was a lot different
then I thought it would be. I had some questions about
Apostolic Succession, Oral Traditions and Confession. And
while the dialoguing that went on did not put away all my
reservations, it gave me some very interesting food for
thought. I really appreciated not only what he had to say, but
the way that he said it. He was in no way pushy while at the
same time stating his beliefs.

And so the journey continues. I cannot explain how much I
love my John. My respect and love for him continue to soar
as we become better and better friends with more and more
bonds of shared memories and laughter. And most definitely,
the falling in love part has also been deepening.

We practiced songs together last weekend in the practice room
at Wichita State. That was so much fun. Singing and playing music
together has got to be one of the most bonding things ever. We
are also reading a lot together, from the Bible, as well as a book
on St. Francis, a book on the early church fathers, one on being
Catholic, as well as snippets from a Dallas Willard book and many

I like John. I like just being with him, doing most anything, or not
much of anything. I like cooking with him, being goofy with him,
talking with him, crying with him, I almost even like fighting with
him. Hmm... I'm gonna have to think on that one. But I do like
how the strength of our relationship seems to grow after we
have those conflict-laden moments.

But most of all, and those of you who know me probably saw this
coming, I love God. I want to know more of Him this year, and I
want more than anything for Him to be the one leading me on.
I don't see myself ever converting to Catholicism (I'm not one
for ruling things out entirely until I'm positive), but I pray that
while I learn and ponder many things I have never pondered
before, that God will keep me safe and close to His heart as I
trust in Him with every faltering step I take in my search for
unity with this man. I believe with all of my heart that John is
a wonderful Christian man whose path up till recently has looked
quite different than my own. But those differences add dimensions
to our relationship that are causing us to think more deeply about
what it means to be a true Christian.

I thank all of you who have been a part of this journey with me, in
whatever capacity. I really appreciate the love, concern, care and
support that I have been shown by my family and my friends.

I will keep you updated on all of this as time goes on.

I am looking forward to starting my fourth semester of grad.
school this Thursday. I've got a full roster of piano lessons and
a few music concerts booked already (one in Wichita with John,
one in Lawrence, also with John), so it is looking to be a great

I pray that all who read this will be encouraged to seek after a
deeper understanding of who our great God is, however it is
that He leads each one of us to do so, and to share that journey
with each other. He is so awesome, but at the same time, so
willing to stoop down to meet us where we are, no matter where
we are. I believe in His mercy and goodness with all of my heart.

Let us commit our hearts, minds, and all the members of our
body to Him, to be used for His purposes and to bring Him glory
this coming year. What a privilege to serve and be used of Him!
We have the ministry of reconciliation. May we find our joy and
fulfillment within this ministry given by Christ.

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