Saturday, April 01, 2006

Today was a great day.

It was gorgeous outside and after the one piano lesson
for the day, which was super fun (Patricia may be quite
a few years older than me, but her enthusiasm makes
her seem much younger), I headed out to Clinton Lake.

Ahhhhhh, close your eyes, breath in deep, hear the
waves and feel the breeze. Up in the sky there's a black
bird with massive wingspan soaring so high, carried by
the wind. He was happy, I was happy. Seriously, I love
warm days and large bodies of water with few people

Then I made contact with Kristi (dear girl) and spent
the rest of the day with "the gang" (church 20's and
30's people). We "watched" the final four games later
on and grilled, but mostly it was just an excuse to hang
out and talk. Fun stuff.

I'm starting to like this town. Art show opening at
"Signs of Life" last Friday night was cool too. Yeah

So there was my happy day. Thank you Lord for the
good days, and the bad. Thank you for bringing me
out of myself and allowing me to be cared for by your
body of believers. Lord, help me be more like you.

I'll end with a quote Tim gave us at Bible study:
"The door to your neighbor is the gateway out of the
dungeon of self."

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