Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Renee said my blog was exhausting her. I'll try to keep off the
Catholic thing this time, ok? : )

We had a snow day today. Wonderful.

I am saddened to hear about the tornadoes in the South.
I pray that those families and communities will pull
together and find grace to rebuild their lives.

I had the day off from school and lessons. And tonight, I
just want to send this out into the web universe: I am THANKFUL.

I have spoken to God lately about my changefulness - it is what
I struggle with from time to time. It is both a strength and a
weakness. Sometimes I am blown around like a leaf and I long
to be so much more substantial.

Thanks to God, I am growing into a more substantial, grounded
person. Tonight I am so thankful for this realization. It is because
of Christ in me. How I need to keep growing in his love!

Lisa is doing well. Lisa hopes you are too. I encourage you to think
about what it is you really want out of life, deep down, and go after
it with all your heart, in humility and thankfulness.

Here's to increased selflessness, prayer, love, and a passion for
learning more about the Holy One, who is both the source of light and
a beautiful mystery. Oh, and I am learning more about the life of
St. Francis these days. Very inspiring.


renee said...

aw.... don't adjust the content of your blog to make me better able to ignore important faith questions... sometimes exhausted is the way i SHOULD be feeling!

also: i'm going to try calling you again tonight. sorry i missed you yesterday :-(

Lisa Bender said...

: )