Monday, October 16, 2006

My most recent poetical meandering of
average quality.

From my journal to you:

I wanna go out shinning
in a blaze of Glory
All the cynical pessimists
won't know what to say
All the unfounded optimists
will have to look away

No one seems to love
in the same way I do
Look down from above or
from below, you'll misconstrue

Fall away
All these false illusions must fall away,
All my wrong conclusions will fall away,
Everything that is true has to stay,
Everything true will rise


Lisa Bender said...

I am hoping the lower case takes away some of the offense...I'm kind of sensitive to that one phrase in an otherwise interesting lyric. I know it's an attempt at extreme emphasis...I just don't like it, personally.

hi, michial, Michial

Lisa Bender said...

I know it can seem that way...
don't think I fully agree with that statement.
I get that last word since it's my blog, right?
haha. maybe?

I don't think God has forsaken anything. I think he's right there waiting for us to take him at his word and believe in him, despite the apparent forsakenness of the world. This isn't the end, this isn't even a fraction.