Wednesday, August 22, 2007

School is upon me. I like school. You learn cool things because
of school. I get to work with troubled adolescents this semester.
I get to play and listen to music with them and that is wonderful!

I hope you are doing extremely well right now. If you're not then
I'm going to zap you with a gigantic zapper.

Ok, that was weird. But you're ok, aren't you? I didn't think it would
really hurt you at all. So if it did, well, maybe it will make your day
a little bit more interesting anyways. "Hey, guys, I got zapped with
a gigantic zapper today." "Woah, are you serious?"


OK, I don't know what's going on with me, but it probably should
stop now.

To totally change gears, I ran across this old writing the other day,
and I still like it. Might as well post it. : )

July 13, 2003

May I ever be true to my heart
May I ever give love away
with the purest of motives
and sincerity

May I ever put my hope in God
and be assured,
though man may question
every move and test me
with sharp arrows that
just barely miss my heart

May my love be ever patient,
remembering the one whose
patience was my security
when my thoughts had come
to a dead end after so many
wrong turns in my mind

May I ever gain the strength I need
to love selflessly
simply from knowing that the one
who painted the sky blue
loves me deeply and without condition

May I ever trust that the same
God who searches my heart
will protect my heart
from those who would decieve
and harm it

Lord, defend and gaurd my heart,
that I might be able to
love without fear,
and not fear that I
will never be loved back,
for that is not why I love

May I ever give love,
because although I had nothing to give,
love gave me everything I need
And may I ever allow this love to
take from me all that
would keep me from
ever being true to my heart

Later, folks.


Mark and Cristy said...

Dear Lisa,
Sorry I haven't e-mailed you lately. We've been busy with school. I'm sorry to say, but we aren't coming on the 29th of August.:( I miss you. But I'm looking forward to Christmas!! :)

Mark and Cristy said...


Mark and Cristy said...


Mark and Cristy said...


Mark and Cristy said...


Mark and Cristy said...


Mark and Cristy said...
