Monday, February 19, 2007

I think you all should know about an important decision I made
last Saturday. I decided it was time....

to become the proud new owner of two AMAZING goldfish!!

OK, so maybe it's not such a big event, and maybe they are
little feeder fish, but I got this cool little aqurium with a
nice filter and light and gravel, all providing a wonderful
living experience for two little fishies who would've
otherwise been fed to somebody's spoiled pet.

So now when I walk in the door, my apartment is not such
a lonely place. It's more happy. I'm happy anyways.

Other than that, I'm doing well and very excited about the
warming trend. Today we're going to get in the 50's!!

Hope you are well. God is good.


Mark and Cristy said...

Thanks for the update. We're having a nice warmup down here too. We've been in the 30s and 40s a lot but this week: 70s! Check out our blog to see Abigail's prelude at our church's "Classic Service" (mostly for old people).

Lisa Bender said...

Oh, to live in the climate South. :-)