Monday, February 19, 2007

I think you all should know about an important decision I made
last Saturday. I decided it was time....

to become the proud new owner of two AMAZING goldfish!!

OK, so maybe it's not such a big event, and maybe they are
little feeder fish, but I got this cool little aqurium with a
nice filter and light and gravel, all providing a wonderful
living experience for two little fishies who would've
otherwise been fed to somebody's spoiled pet.

So now when I walk in the door, my apartment is not such
a lonely place. It's more happy. I'm happy anyways.

Other than that, I'm doing well and very excited about the
warming trend. Today we're going to get in the 50's!!

Hope you are well. God is good.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

So, I'm making some macaroni and cheese.
Just seemed right.

Also...I'm thinking it would be fun to have
a pet! Doesn't that sound like fun? Just
imagine, a little critter to come home to.

We'll see. Maybe a little birdy. Nothing
too high maintenance. Just someone to
say hi and bye to. I think that would be

Well, that's all my deep thoughts for the
evening. I'm doing pretty good. I have
my moments, but right now I've caught
a glimpse of grattitude. :-) sweet.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Here's a song I can share with the
general public. I have to say, God
continues to be faithful to me, and
it is a continual amazement.

Life continues to throw curves my
way, and yesterday was probably
my hardest day, but born out of
misery, everyone must choose to
live. And you must also choose
to either save your life, or to lose
it in Christ to find it.

These mysteries are beautiful,
though not without clouds that
make the light weak and almost
non-existent at times.

OK, here's the song. Simple, yes,
but very needed last night.

When you have exhausted
Every possible option
With no one left to light that fire
And you come down
When you face the mirror
And you can no longer deny
You're a beggar, thief and a liar
And you fall down
Let it all fall down on me

Come to Me all who are weary
And so heavy laden with grief
And, oh yes, I'll give you rest
When you come down
Come to Me all who are weary
And so heavy laden with grief
And, oh yes, I'll give you rest
Let yourself fall
When you come down
Beloved, rest in Me

Friday, February 02, 2007

Well friends, it's been an interesting
couple of weeks.

I had to break into my own apartment,
sending wood chips flying from the
wall the other day when the little metal
peice got caught, keeping me from
entering my own apartment after I had
taken the trash out, in my pj's, in the
freezing cold. I had no option but to
bust in. Maintenance crew saved me
the next day. No worries. :-)

The yesterday, I took my car in to fix
what I hoped was a minor problem.
Umm, let's just say it wasn't.

And then there's the whole mess of
Kansas residency and tuition, which
I thought was settled. Scrounge,
scrounge, scrounge, hand in paperwork,

Well, there's some surface-level

On a deeper note, I keep finding more
and more things to be thankful for.
I guess there are different levels you
can live on, and I've been frustrated on
some of the more shallow ones lately,
but then, deep down, I keep coming
back to Jesus and finding him amazingly
faithful and forgiving and loving.

Praise God for endless chances to start
over again and optimistically hope for
a better understanding of life through
the trials and confusions that arise.

I am an incurable screw up in many ways.
This I cannot deny.

But ya know what? Back when I had an
easier time denying it, I really wasn't any
more righteous before God.

Dear Lord, help me to understand more of
who you are, and by doing so, become less
of who I am in my flesh.

And please, God, make good of all the things
that seem to go so so wrong - things that
it seems I can't make right, things that just
blow up in your face and scream, "Life is
pain!" Life is also peace and joy, and I'm
finding this more and more to be true, despite
what happens in life.

Have a great week, and thanks for listening.

Oh, and mom is still doing good, all things
considered. It has been rough at times, but
I'm so glad to be heading out to see her
tomorrow! I love my mom.